Empowering Young People to
Be and Do Their Best
Office Appointments in Warner Robins
or Telehealth Therapy throughout Georgia
What I Offer
My mission is to empower as many people as possible to make their lives, their families, and their communities better. I do this by helping them develop the insight, skills, and habits they need to be their best selves emotionally, spiritually, and physically.
Individual Therapy
with Children
Where’s that sweet child with the silly grin and joyful laughter typically associated with a happy childhood? That’s where I come in…
Individual Therapy
with Teens
Therapy provides skills and insight to empower teens to make wise decisions and develop healthy relationships…
Individual Therapy
with Young Adults
Adulting is more demanding than most teens expect when they excitedly anticipate the freedom of that 18th birthday.
Job, military, or continued education? Roommates or marriage or something else?
The decisions never end, and every decision comes with its batch of challenges…
Couples/Relationship Therapy
Married or not married, exclusive or not, preparing for next steps, breakups, separation, divorce, reconciliation, platonic, or even friend, sibling or other significant dyads… relationships take work and require skills that our culture does not necessarily teach us well.
I’m here to help the two of you learn healthy communication…
Welcome to Preferred Practice!
People fascinate me!
Whatever’s going on with you, I can’t wait to meet you and learn more. One of the spectacular things about therapy is that while I’m learning about you, you’ll also be learning about yourself.
I look forward to sharing a journey with you that enables you to realize you can choose how you want to be and what you want to do.
I have a gift for seeing the best in people, and their circumstances, while accepting them as they are until they get there.
Helping you do the same for yourself is my goal every day!
Please, let me help you.
Life should be an adventure, not a catastrophe. Join me for a fantastic adventure – to a life where you take charge of your destiny – on a journey that prepares you to become who you want to be doing what you want to do!