Do you find yourself trying really hard to do the right thing only to have it turn out leaving you feeling discouraged, frustrated, maybe even guilty when it doesn’t go as you anticipated? Well I’m going to share with you a very helpful strategy to do away with those negative feelings.
Learn to trust that “YOUR BEST IS ALWAYS GOOD ENOUGH.” So, what does that mean?
Well, first, only you know if you’ve done your best or not, so only your opinion on that point matters. Have you considered all the known facts surrounding the situation in question? Have you considered the consequences of the known and available choices? Have you used the knowledge, time, money, and other resources and supports that are feasible under your circumstances to make the best possible decision of what you can and should do or not do? Have you in good conscience given your fair and reasonable effort to contribute in the best way possible given what you know and have?
Now, do what you have determined to be your best and leave the outcome to whatever higher power you believe in for the rest.
That’s the most any one of us has to offer. Period. Things will still go badly at times. Things will seldom go exactly as planned. But whatever happens you will know you did your best.
Now for the work of it. You must learn to trust the truth of “MY BEST IS ALWAYS GOOD ENOUGH” and train yourself to think, feel, and behave in that truth.
Let “MY BEST IS ALWAYS GOOD ENOUGH!” become your mantra for the next 30 days. Write it on index cards or sticky notes and post it on your mirrors, your computers/televisions, refrigerator, screensavers, the visor in your car- places you will see it frequently – and develop the habit of saying it out loud to yourself as often as possible. Research shows that things said out loud, in your own voice (even better if you’re looking yourself in the eye in a mirror) are the most persuasive. The things you tell yourself become your beliefs and your beliefs are the key to your thoughts, feelings and behavior. Begin these steps to creating this healthy belief in yourself today and observe how your thoughts, feelings, words, and actions can change for the better.
If doubts creep in, keep telling yourself “I did my best and MY BEST IS ALWAYS GOOD ENOUGH!” as you navigate the joys and disappointments of having to make tough and unpredictable decisions in your life. Say it like you mean it until you realize that, “O wow, I do mean it – I really do!”
For additional tips on creating a healthy mindset and lifestyle check out other posts on this website. And if you or a loved one is struggling with emotional/behavioral issues please consider reaching out for therapy or other mental health support services that can help.
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